A New Site!!

Please check out:


Posts Monday at 9:30pm, Eastern Standard.

This has been a 90% Free Write site. Typos abound, and I never expected people to actually read it! So I’ve begun a new, hopefully more prefessional site: A Little Bit of Something. It will start off with a lot from this site, but hopefully with fewer typos and better content.
I’m not giving up on this site!

Blessed Be,

D. K. Stevens

It’s Been A While, Eh?: Journal Wed/Thurs 2/3 March 2016

Wednesday (with some Thursday edits):
My plan with these “journal entries” was two-fold:
— keep with the Free Write element, making the train of thought a bit more personal, as in some other wonderful blogs that I will no doubt share (I’m waiting for permission on an especially good one and still hoping to ask a writer at The Write Practice a few questions)
— get rid of the numerous drafts that are taking up room by incorporating them into the journal posts.

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